Wheeler and Lai Surveyors

Celebrating our 5th Business Birthday

Rebecca Wheeler and Sau-Wan Lai are proud to be reaching their 5th anniversary, since launching Wheeler & Lai Chartered Surveyors on 1st October 2018.

It has been over 5 years since the initial inception, and the company being incorporated on 10th September 2018, and 5 years down the line, this female-founded and led surveying firm are proud to be here to support and guide their clients.

Wheeler & Lai Chartered Surveyors have carried out work in over 300 buildings, with over 200 clients with many returning to them as periodic valuations are required. Their organic growth has been not only down to hard work and established connections, but also through networking building new contacts and showing superb customer service.

We’d like to thank all our friends and family for the initial and continued cheerleading, for our clients who choose us to assist them, and to our peers and business contacts who support, collaborate and refer clients to us, in order to ensure clients are looked after.

From our early days of building our brand and visibility, through attending multiple and varied networking events, through to taking part in events by being a stall holder, presenter, sponsors and more, we have enjoyed this part of our journey and are thankful to have navigated through turbulent times and still be here today, providing invaluable commercial property advice, valuations and service.

Our current work includes working with Red Funnel on commercial property management, portfolio landlords with lease advisory and management, agency work with several landlords in Waterlooville, as well as valuations on behalf of SIPPS, solicitors” clients for inheritance tax purposes, capital gains tax and much more. We continue to grow our visibility and business, and are thankful for those that return to us following initial advice or valuation work.

Here is to being 5 years old as Wheeler & Lai Chartered Surveyors, and we look forward to the future and working with our clients on their commercial assets.


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