Wheeler and Lai Surveyors

Lead gained through being a sponsor at a networking event

Brand building sponsorship wins client THIS Workspace

We are delighted to highlight how networking really helps business; this case study tells you more about how we gained a client through a networking event.

LDV Connect is a networking event run by Lauren De Vries, director of LDV Events, and we were sponsors of several events where over 80 businesses mingled, chatted and interacted with sponsors.

We were one of the sponsors on this fateful night and were pleased to have conversations with all the guests, but one guest turned into a business connection and client.

We are pleased to make the connection and be involved at the early stages of works involved with the Knight & Lee building in Southsea, for THIS Workspace.

It is due to complete Q1 of 2021 and it will be an exciting new space for the business community.

Find out more about LDV here – https://www.ldvhub.com/

“As a forward thinking business, we are always looking to work with other talented new businesses with valuable local knowledge. We were very impressed with how Rebecca and Sau have grown their client base so quickly and the great customer feedback they are receiving. We knew they could help to take us forward on this project.”
Joshua W.
THIS Workspace

LDV Connect - Networking event with a twist

We have sponsored several networking events with LDV Events, and enjoyed the interactive and vibrant networking experience.

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